Since I am spending a lot of time completing the next book in the Treasure of the Essenes series,  I decided to turn the smallest bedroom in my home into a dedicated office.

I’ve had a lifelong fascination with peacocks.  I found this enormous abstract painting of a peacock several years ago.  It has traveled from place to place but my office is its final destination.  As I started painting the peacock blue wall I doubted my sanity.  But once the paint dried and I hung the artwork, I decided the color was just what I needed for this special room.  The Indian War Ponies are by Mariah Baldwin.  The paintings are colorful, and the horses are majestic.  The black and white photography is mine and those pictures serve as a counterpoint to the jewel tone colors.  The metal peacocks below the painting were gifts from my daughter who feeds my obsession.

I now have bookcases in three rooms – this one is filled with reference material I’ve used over the years to create realistic plot points along with my collection of antique books ranging from 100 to 200 years old.  The window over my desk overlooks the front yard where I admire plants as they come into bloom.  I have a Texas Mountain Laurel I am particularly fond of because the blossoms are long, abundant, and tinged with purple around the edge.  The flowers have a scent which permeates the entire cul-du-sac in spring.