The Fifth Coin

A young nun with a gift for archaic languages is summoned to Rome.  The Pope is dying of cancer and the Jesuit Father General has taken over responsibility for guiding the Catholic Church.

Into this political tinder box, Sister Amariah begins to translate scrolls which have been hidden in the Vatican’s Secret Archive for centuries.  To her horror, she discovers the words of Jesus Christ, the meaning of his mission, and everything he stood for have been distorted and manipulated by early popes to control millions of believers.

In a last-ditch effort to make Amariah support his Machiavellian plan to dominate the entire planet through the vehicle of the Church the Father General tries to convince Amariah to join him.

Andrew Simson broke the silence with a hard edge to his voice, then changed his tone to cajoling tenderness.  “I will raise you up above kings and princes.”

“Those are your desires, not mine.  You have been seduced by pride and ego.  If  your motives were not self-serving, if you really had the good of mankind at heart, you might have succeeded.   Andrew, don’t you realize you are the Beast?”

As she translates scroll after scroll, Amariah realizes the messages are awakening memories of past lives—role she played in the life of Jesus, his family, and the True Teacher of Righteousness, Elias.


Father General Andrew Simpson

The Pope is dying of cancer, and Andrew Simson plans to bring the Catholic Church back into a position of world-wide power.


Anna Romanov

A renowned historian will be responsible for dating new treasures found beneath the Vatican.


Leon Kaminski

An expert in Oriental Languages, the scholar will review translated scrolls to ensure their message reflects what Simson wants the public to know.


The Secret Archives

Below the buildings and gardens of Vatican City, a network of shelves containing manuscripts and documents which serve as witnesses to historical events before the Middle Ages.  The original Magna Carta, signed by King John which guaranteed the rights of men in Britain, was among the thousands of documents.


A Benedictine Nun unusually skilled in the ancient languages spoken in Judea at the time of Jesus is ordered to Rome to translate scrolls hidden beneath the Vatican for centuries.


Carole Phillips

A respected photo journalist who has covered every outbreak of war from Bosnia to Viet Nam.  She will photograph all the treasures for an art book commission by Andrew Simson to celebrate his new discoveries.


Vatican Library

The Vatican Library was enthralling.  Biblical history was preserved in paintings by the great Renaissance masters and the value of these frescos was beyond measure. 


John Preston

Wall Street financier and close friend of Amariah’s father.  He is in Rome to satisfy American banks of the legitimacy of the Vatican Bank’s investments.


Amariah gazed at St. Peter’s Basilica and the enormous courtyard where the faithful gathered to watch the pope bless his people on Christmas and Easter.


The Black Pope

The annointed Pope of the Catholic Church is dying of cancer.  The Jesuit, Andrew Simson is referred to as the “Black Pope” because his enemies do not trust his motives.