In researching background information on ancient Egypt for a novel recently made available on Amazon, Treasure of the Essenes: Into Egypt, I ran across thought-provoking facts about the pyramids on the Giza Plateau.  There are more strange facts, which I will share at another time.

  1. The pyramids at Giza are the most accurately aligned structures in existence.  They face true north with only 3/60th of a degree error.
  2. The great pyramids have descending, and ascending passageways were symbolic for the soul’s ascent into the afterlife (heaven) or a descent into the underworld (hell).
  3. The pyramids are located at the center of the earth’s landmass.  The East/West parallel crosses the place with the greatest land mass.  The North/South intersects in two places:  One is in the ocean and the other is at the corner of the great pyramid.
  4. There are eight actual sides to the pyramid, four of which are slightly concave and only visible from the air at dawn and sunset on the spring and autumn equinox.  The curvature designed into these four faces exactly matches the radius of the earth.  The great pyramid is the only pyramid to have been built this way.
  5. Orion and the pyramids on the Giza plateau have a direct correlation.  The descending passage is open to the pole star Alpha Draconis.  This was the north star during the time pyramid the gigantic structure was constructed.
  6. Present day astronomers believe the great pyramid was dedicated at midnight on the autumnal equinox.  A direct line could be drawn from the pyramid apex to the star Alcyone.  Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades open cluster.
  7. The cubic capacity of the “coffin” in the King’s Chamber is precisely the same as the Ark of the Covenant.  The coffin is too big to fit through the passage.  It had to be placed there during construction.
  8. The coffin was carved from a single block of granite.  It would have required a bronze saw with sapphire teeth.  Evidence of such a saw has never been found at any archeological excavation.