Meet the Author
My family moved to Las Vegas in the early 70s. Back then there was little employment other than the casino industry. I began a forty-year career starting in the accounting department where I counted the zeros from the right because I couldn’t believe the casino was giving away millions of dollars in complimentary room, food, and beverage. At that point in my story, I didn’t understand the nature of the beast.
Over the next forty years I worked for most major strip properties and moved from finance to advertising because the GM I worked for was fed up with a director he couldn’t count on to meet a deadline. I knew nothing about advertising, but he had confidence I’d figure it out as I went. In that capacity I met millionaires from all over the world, big name entertainers, black check gamblers who left thousands of dollars on the 21 tables, mob bosses, flim-flam men, and dirty, rotten scoundrels. It was an unbelievable time to work in Las Vegas.
The series, Treasure of the Essenes, begins with The Fifth Coin, and like Star Wars goes backward thru time to explain how the heroine became entangled in a drama which changes the course of history. I wanted to pursue my goal of becoming an author, so I developed a story line using an action-adventure format because religious history is as dry and dusty as the Mojave Desert. The wrong turn taken by early Christianity became the object of a long, long search. For years I delved deeply into the history of Jesus and his apostles and read everything I could find on modern discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Text. I found out of print books in storerooms which housed used parts.
Into Egypt is the second book in the series told through the eyes of the people who believed Jesus was the infant promised to become the Messiah. They fled into Egypt and the heroine became a student in the Egyptian Mystery schools where she learned the art of magic, the power of frequency, out of body experiences, how to influence the thoughts of others, and the secrets of embalming.
Beyond reunites the characters introduced in Into Egypt. This is a story about the power of belief and faith. It takes characters who have an unshakeable belief across the rooftop of the world in search of documents left behind by other worldly civilization simply identified as the star people. These interplanetary voyagers entrusted documents for the One To Come with other ancient civilizations to help him develop a belief system which would change the world.