
Beyond is a story of faith and belief.

The children of Abraham no longer live the Law of God brought to them by Moses.  They suffer beneath the yoke of Rome and hope for the return of a Redeemer who will liberate them and return Israel to its rightful chosen.

Elias, Chief Hierophant of the Essene Order, once again unites the people he trusted to take Jesus and his family into Egypt after Herod’s order to murder all male babies in Judea.  They are to journey across the Great Unknown in search of documents given to other ancient civilizations to serve as guideposts for the new Messiah prophesied by the ancient prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.

Amariah, Balthazar, Takhaet, Judah and Ardashir combine their skills and specialized training to travel from Damascus toward a country dimly known as Chin.  With no maps to guide them, and only a rough caravan track stretching far to the east, these dedicated believers learn to have faith and believe in the unseen force which guides them and protects them from the Dark Brotherhood.

Takhaet leaned away from her horse and reached out to touch Amariah’s arm.  It seemed as if she had been lost in thought for most of the day.  “My dear, where are you just now?  You seem far away.”

Amariah turned and blinked at the woman riding at her side as if she did not know who she was for a moment, but recognition returned to her eyes, and she smiled at her friend.  “I am sorry, Takhaet, but I am haunted by an unshakable feeling that something is out there, something  coming from a hostile world, and it is waiting for me.”



It was an enormous ship.  Unlike anything any of the desert dwellers had ever seen.  Riding high out of the water, with a flat bottom and sails that slid up and down tall masts.  There was no need to send men aloft to unfurl the sails.  Everyone stood on the bank and stared at the ship in wonder.


Chong Hao

Posing as an unassuming Buddhist monk, Cong Hao guides the caravan deep into the mysterious country of Chin.  In reality, he is a High Lama, chosen to lead the people in the caravan to the sea, where they will board the junk and return to Judea by sailing around the desert lands of the Midian.


Temple of the Crescent Lake

The Crescent Temple was discovered by Alexander the Great when he conquered vast tracts of Asia.  It was a Buddhist monastery hidden between the tall sand dunes of the Takla Makan desert.  The monastery was built by monks when they found a crescent shaped lake which was continuously fed by a mysterious spring.  Alexander left thousands of documents he looted from other temples and and libraries in his quest for world domination.  Because the monastary was unknown to the outside world, he reasoned these priceless relics of history would be safe.  It is thought he intended to return some day but died in Babylon before he could make the trip back to what is known as the Temple of the Crescent Lake.


Cave of the Dark Brotherhood

Evil Lord Seth has called his army together to cast a spell over the caravan, its animals, and people.  While in this dark spell, they kidnap Amariah and Takhaet, hoping to put an end to their powers. 


Sacred Tea

Amariah and Takhaet are trained Therapeuts.  They prepare special teas to mitigate the effects of many ailments.


Dark Lord Seth

Seth was rumored to be the grandson of Adam, but he had taken a completely different path. The red dragon who flung one third of the hosts of heaven into the abyss was Seth, who was the lord and master of the dark arts.  He and his followers were the Sons of Darkness, and they opposed the Sons of Light at every turn.  Seth was determined to wipe out all traces of the One to Come and those who followed him.



A High Priest of Zoraster, Ardashir has searched Judea and Egypt trying to locate the One to Come, whose birth was identified by constellations and stars as they traversed the sign of Virgo in their elliptical orbits.


Salt Sea Island 

Salt collected by the Essenes at Engaddi, is cut into small blocks from islands such as these salt deposits which collect on the shore.  Essene salt was highly prized for its purity.  Roman soldiers were often paid in blocks of salt because it had more value than gold.



Stone Forest

Traveling through the range of pyroclastic flow towers left behind by an ancient volcano, the Dark Brothers lay in wait for the caravan, hoping a surprise attack will wipe everyone out.  Takhaet’s psychic powers warn the caravan master an attack is imminent and they prepare to do battle with the Dark Brothers again.



Seth rubbed his hands together and lightning issued forth.  The bolt stair-stepped down from the sky and struck the trunks of trees to which the bridge was secured.  The bridge fell in the freezing water below, taking Amariah, soldiers, and her massive war dog with it.



A mysterious Wise Woman sent to earth by the star people with a special message for Amariah about the boy who will assume the responsibilities of the One to Come. 


Amariah’s dog, Damascus, was a gift from the Roman Proconsul, Thaddius Linvaul.  The dog was trained by soldiers to guard and attack.  He is fiercely loyal and proves his worth in encounters with the Dark Brothers.


Arkar the Blind Beggar

Another prophet joins the caravan.  A blind beggar on a mission from the star people, tests Amariah’s empathy and compassion.  Because she defends the blind beggar and begs Balthazar to allow him to stay with the caravan for his safety and wellbeing, Arkar tells her she has passed the test of character the star people wanted answered. 


Bactrain Camels

These camels are different from their Arabian cousins.  Thick, shaggy coats protect them from harsh winters.  In summer the hair sloughs off and is collected to make into sleeping mats, tents, harnesses, and other necessities of a caravan that is always on the move.